Tuesday, October 8, 2013

Failure to Succeed (6A)

There are many people in the world who fail at something they do.  It can be a sport, something involved with school, or even a relationship.  But does this mean that you are a failure?  I think failure is a part of life and can be a huge impact on certain people.  Some people can take it way more serious than others.  In my opinion I believe that failing can make you succeed.  If you fail at something you do, it can make you a better person in the long run.  Some kids have those parents where if they fail at something then they get yelled at for it and punished.  I believe that if you are a parent that you should be happy with your child's effort.  If they fail, it teaches them the lesson to do better.  They can perform things better than they did the first time, therefore they won't fail the next time at what they are doing.

Many students struggle with certain subjects in school, and could have a failing grade.  I think that if you practice the material over and over that it will help just a little bit and it will increase their grade.  If the failing still continues then I would suggest a tutor or maybe talking to the teacher for extra help.  If a student is failing in school because of a hard subject they have trouble in, I believe that it will make them work harder and make them succeed more in the class.  If a student is failing in class because they never show up, never study, then that's a different story.  That's a student choosing to fail, rather than a student trying their best.  Some kids will be pressured by their parents to not fail or they get in big trouble.  Some parents help push their child, and then others might not even care about how their child is doing.  It's sad to say, but very true.

You not only can fail in school or a sport but you can also fail at being in a relationship too.  If you have a girlfriend or a boyfriend, sometimes the relationship can fail because of one person doing something wrong or it's not working out.  That's the couple who has to try and work things out if they want to in order for the relationship not to fail.  People can also fail at their jobs sometimes.  Whatever job they have, their boss can be upset with you, or get mad at you for not doing something wrong.  This can lead to you being fired in some cases.  I think that if someone fails, then it teaches them a life lesson.  My mom always used to tell me that it was alright to fail at something once in a while.  Nobody is perfect, everyone makes mistakes once in a while, whether if their big or small.  Failure makes a person stronger.  If you fail at something, then it gives you the motivation to work harder the next time around.  In one of the articles called The Fringe Benefits of Failures by J.k Rowling that I've read in this week's readings stated a quote " and so rock bottom became the solid foundation on which I rebuilt my life."  I think this quote is very important because I think this simply means when you have hit rock bottom in the situation the only choice you have to work your way back up and try your very best to succeed.

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