Saturday, October 26, 2013

So far so good ! (9B)

As of right now, this semester I am doing very well.  My grades right now are A+,B+,B,A,B.  I really want to get the B's up to A's by finals and I know that I have the capability of doing that.  I feel that it's crazy that midterms are already over.  It's all going by so fast!  I was really happy on how my midterm grades and I feel that I can do just the same when finals come around.  I feel that I am reaching my goal of having a 3.0 GPA or higher.  If I keep up with my work like I have been doing I don't think there will be a problem.

I feel that I could probably work a little bit harder in order for my grades to be all A's.  That's my main goal right now.  I feel that if I keep up with studying, doing my homework, reading, then I can achieve my goal.  I have had many successes with all my my tests, quizzes, and essays I have written.  I have to say in the beginning of the semester it was all new to me and the work load hit me really hard because I wasn't really used to it at all.  As the first or second week went by I realized that I had to make study skills and figure out how I'm gonna manage my time with work and social things.  I decided that I was going to my homework before anything I have to do whether if it's going to the gym or hanging out with my friends I make sure all my work is done.  I never want to be behind because then everything just gets messed up and I always get mad at myself.

Besides that, I have been success with all my studying and plan to keep it that way.  I really want to be successful and achieve my goal.

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