Tuesday, October 8, 2013

Pushing to the limit (6B)

Since I graduated High School and now in college, it is a big difference.  The work load is so much more and a lot harder than High School work.  I never really failed at any subject in school, besides Math.  Math is a subject that I always had to work longer and way harder to do.  It just doesn't come easy to me.  I sometimes get so frustrated doing it that I will start to cry.  My sophomore year of high school I remember being in a really hard math class that I was failing.  I would fail every test that I took in the class.  This taught me how to become stronger in this subject though.  I knew I had to work way harder in math, so I would always stay after with my teacher for extra help.  I knew that I had to.  It taught me a really good lesson though.  It taught me that failure actually made me succeed.  By the time the mid term came for that class I scored a really good grade on it.  I was so happy.

Now, in college, I find to see that I am still failing at Math.  I am only in Math 95, the lowest math class here that they offer.  I have trouble doing some problems, and math labs.  I feel that I don't fully understand the material that I'm being taught in the class.  I even try and work with some of my friends but I still seem to have trouble.  I have talked to the teacher about getting extra help and she is all for it.  I am thinking about going to a tutor as well.  I feel that if i work hard and push myself that I will become better at math.  If I practice the problems over and over that It will soak into my brain and I won't have as much trouble.

I intend to get extra help and work harder with my math problems.  My mid term is coming up next week and I am going to study extra hard and make sure that I know the material to the full extent so I can receive above a 90 on the test.  My goal is to get anything higher than a 90.  I know I can push myself and have that motivation to work harder in order to achieve my goal.  I have faith in myself and I hope to become better at Math by getting extra help or having a tutor.  Anything is possible when you put your mind to it!  I would love to be a better math student, sometimes it's hard because students are better at some subjects than others, but I know that it's going to teach me a lesson and as time goes on I hope to become better at this subject !

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